About Us
TeleTaleem is a social enterprise focused on enhancing quality of education services at the grassroots level, through innovative use of technology. We specialize in the design & delivery of e-learning systems and services, using a variety of delivery mechanisms and blended learning platforms. Founded in 2010, TeleTaleem possesses over 12 years of local experience in delivering technology-enabled solutions for teaching-learning, teachers’ training, assessments, and evaluations.
TeleTaleem has implemented multiple interventions, covering a broad spectrum of primary to secondary school systems, teacher education and training institutions in both public and private sectors, with a good mix of users in urban and rural settings. During the last few years, T2 has implemented over eight technology-enabled education programs, with a total value of approx. PKR 500m. The geographic spread covered more than 60 different districts across all four provinces and the AJK, covering 4,000+ schools and directly impacting skillset of more than 6,000 teachers and 1,000,000+ children.