• ILM IDEAS 2Ilm Ideas 2, a DFID programme managed by Mott Macdonald, and TeleTaleem have partnered to bridge learning gaps in girls community schools in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) using technology and innovation. The programme supports 150 community schools spread in 14 ditricts of KP, providing children in grade 4 and 5 online teaching support in key subjects of Engliush, Math and Science on a daily basis.
  • ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANKAsian Development Bank and TeleTaleem have partnered to design strategies for broad-based adoption of ICT in basic education and TVET in Pakistan. ADB’s private sector operations department has invested $1.1 million as equity in TeleTaleem.
  • SUB NATIONAL GOVERNANCE PROGRAMMETeleTaleem and Sub National Governance Programme (SNG) have partnered in Punjab and Khyber Paktunkhwa to implement programs designed for improving the learning outcomes of children in Early-Primary Grade Literacy, Numeracy and Mathematics. The program in Punjab also includes development of an Educational Data Management System (EDMS).
  • ILM IDEASIlm-Ideas is UKaid-sponsored program to implement research, advocacy and innovative projects related to the education of school-aged children in Pakistan. TeleTaleem and Ilm-Ideas partnered in 2012 to launch Ilm-on-Wheels (School Garee) program in Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
  • NATIONAL ICT RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT FUNDNational ICT R&D Fund’s vision is to transform Pakistan’s economy into a knowledge based economy by promoting efficient, sustainable and effective ICT initiatives through synergic development of industrial and academic resources. TeleTaleem and ICT R&D Fund have partnered to develop a National Assessment System based on crowd-sourcing of assessment banks.
  • COMSATS UNIVERSITY:TeleTaleem and COMSATS have partnered to collaborate for the advancement of education in Pakistan, primarily through research oriented initiatives in ICT for Education.
  • CITY UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYTeleTaleem and City University, Peshawar have partnered to collaborate for the advancement of education in Pakistan, primarily through research oriented initiatives in ICT for Education.